Flossing is certainly an indispensable part of dental care, but when you use a Waterpik® dental water jet, you're really taking your oral care to another level. Waterpik jet tips were clinically proven to be twice as effective in improving gum health because plaque is reduced, thereby negating any chance that gum disease will ever arise. Therefore, be sure you have enough Waterpik® replacement jet tips on hand (JT-100E) so you can continue cleaning effectively between teeth and below the gumline, while also enjoying a dental massage. Replacing tips is recommended every six months. Check your water flosser below and order from Dental-Mart today.
These replacement tips can be used with these water flossers:
•Complete Care (WP-900)
•Ultra (WP-100)
•Kids (WP-260)
•Traveler (WP-300)