If one of your kids is complaining about pain, soreness and discomfort resulting from wearing braces - maybe not even wanting to eat or talk to avoid pain - we have a cooling mint wax to provide ready relief. There's no science involved in knowing how to use orthodontic wax. Simply apply a small amount of Plak Smackers wherever irritation occurs, and it will provide a vital barrier to restore comfort. Perhaps there's a particularly troublesome wire or bracket, but it will trouble no more when this orthodontic wax is applied.
Dental-Mart offers this and many other products to enhance oral hygiene; thus, if your kid also needs help removing plaque from between teeth, wires and brackets, try Flix Interdental Cleaners.
This item qualifies for a flat rate of $4.00 for shipping and handling, if you choose first class mail at check out. Any other items on this order will be charged the standard UPS/Priority Mail charges.