If you're tired of underperforming denture cleaners, and you've tried them all, you need the ProTech Denture Cleaner. So many products on the market merely attempt to bleach your dentures, appliances or mouth guards, but are merely chlorinated washes that bubble and sizzle, but fail to deliver your money's worth and actually purge stains.
This is a bona fide professional denture cleaner used in many dental offices you can obtain for home use from Dental-Mart. You will receive a box of 22 mint-flavored foil packets that will each last 7 to 10 days, giving you up to 6 months of superior cleaning you've long sought. Gone will be even the toughest coffee, tea and nicotine stains. Our confidence in this night guard cleaner is so great, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Please note, however, that this denture cleaner is not recommended for partials fabricated from Ticonium® Alloy.
*Not Recommended for use on partials fabricated from Ticonium® Alloy.