Study after study has shown the destructive effects of grinding the teeth. The dental profession calls it "bruxism" (pronounced BRUK-sizm). Why is it dangerous? Research shows our teeth should "normally" touch less than 15 minutes per day. This, of course, is during chewing otherwise the teeth are apart. Bruxers have been known to grind their teeth for hours on end.
Let's face it, when anything is over used it can be harmed or wear out. It doesn't matter if it's tires on your car or the teeth in your mouth. Most bruxism occurs at night when we are asleep, although some people grind their teeth during the day as well. In addition to tooth damage, bruxism can be very annoying to others. The grinding sound of severe bruxers can be so loud it may even be heard in adjacent rooms!
So how do you know if you or someone around you is a grinder? Most often
a sleep partner hears the grinding or wear on the teeth is noticed by the bruxer or
their dentist. If left untreated bruxism can lead to permanent damage of the
teeth, including cracked and chipped enamel, hairline fractures, and even
wearing the teeth down to the gumline. In addition, grinding can cause
complicated jaw-related disorders (such as temporomandibular joint disorders).
What can you do about it? If you suspect bruxism The Doctor's® NightGuard can be a life saver. The Doctor's® NightGuard is designed to custom fit over the upper teeth and be comfortably worn at night. With the night guard in place grinding forces are absorbed by a soft protective layer. This simple yet affective device can save your teeth, let others around you sleep more soundly and save you thousands of dollars in dental bills. If you suffer from severe bruxing you may need the assistance of a laboratory fabricated night guard made by a dentist. However, these can cost $300 or more.
If you or someone you know is a bruxer, then do yourself or them a favor and order The Doctor's® NightGuard. Stop the grinding now and protect your teeth.
Note: This item is covered by the manufacturer's fit guarantee. Returns are accepted ONLY by the manufacturer, not DentalMart® .
Want to learn more about The Doctor's NightGuard? Just visit Dental Concepts